
齋藤 槙
1981年東京生まれ。武蔵野美術大学で日本画を学ぶ。動植物を愛し、「こども心」と「物語性」を大切にした作品を 貼り絵やステンシルや染めなど、様々な手法で発表している。たくさんの色を重ね、混ぜ合わせることで、深く揺らめくような色を出し、心地よい余白をもたせた作品が多い。
大学在学中から絵本作りをはじめ、著作に『ぺんぎんたいそう』『ながーい はなで なにするの?』(共に福音館書店刊)『おひさま でるよ』(ほるぷ出版刊)などがある。

Maki Saito is an Japanese artist, illustrator, and writer of children’s books known as her unique techniques using paper collages, stenciled paintings and Japanese traditional dyeing technique “Bin-Gata”. As she made a special study of Japanese style art “Nihonga” and graduated from Musashino Art University, her signature painting styles are complexity and richness created by layers of colors, and simplicity emphasized by “Yohaku” as an absence of colors which leaves literally a space for imagination to viewers.
Her books such as PENGUIN STRETCHING EXERCISES and BABY ELEPHANT – WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR TRUNK? are inspired by her love for all living creatures in the nature and always make viewer’s playful spirits dance and harmonized with their own NATURE.